
ID.Y is..

an evolving entity led by and focussed on Queer, Trans, Intersex Black, Indigenous & People of Colour (QTIBIPOC) working across the arts in Scotland. Our projects include research, curation and interdisciplinary art production across producing, programming, project management, artist development and producer training. We draw together our collective industry expertise, embodied knowledge and a value-based, inherently anti racist practice to transform sector issues, nurture genuine collaboration and inspire more ethical, sustainable ways of working on individual, community and institutional levels.

ID.Y aims to:

  • contribute to growing sustainable foundations and frameworks which nurture creative collaborations with unique, experimental practices

  • offer services and support facilitating creative practitioners to make informed choices for their work and develop self-producing skills

  • facilitate dialogues between individual practitioners and cultural institutions

  • rethink, renegotiate and reconfigure the ways we work through anti racist frameworks and offer these as a counterpoint to dominant arts working cultures

ID.Y is also the supporting organisation for House Ball Scotland project; the home, meeting point and education between QTIBIPOC community and Scotland's underground ballroom community.

say hello